Piano Day Camp For Teens
On Sabbatical for 2015
Please check back for 2016 schedule!
Teen Pianophoria!
Looking for the adult Pianophoria! experience?
Visit Pianophoria!
for information on our summer program for adults

Comments About Pianophoria!

"I really liked the teachers and how much they improved my piece. I also liked the different classes, like the yoga, Dalcroze eurhythmics, and the dance. The piano ensemble was very fun, too."
    Jessica, Teen Pianophoria 2010
"I liked that it wasn't only practicing, but it had different musical activities (dance, singing, harmonization, yoga, etc.). I also liked how there are three different teachers, so I got input on my piece from different people."
    Camper, Teen Pianophoria 2010
"[I liked] the group of people. Everyone was very nice and it's good to get to know such a diverse group of students. I also really liked how we had many different teachers."
    Charlotte, Teen Pianophoria 2010
"I liked the various presentations and lectures that covered many aspects of piano playing. I also liked how each day was broken up into its components. The faculty was excellent and very insightful."
    Camper, Teen Pianophoria 2008
"I liked all of the aerobic activities and workouts that we did this year, as well as singing, ensembles, and the days in the park."
    Camper, Teen Pianophoria 2008
"I liked the amount of time we got to practice and the way the day was scheduled for us. The presentations and demonstrations were very interesting and fun (and the plums)."
    Matthew, Teen Pianophoria 2005

Photography by Catherine Kirkpatrick